One way to keep our vibes positive is to use an affirmation. Fall is particularly a good time to incorporate one. Many of us experience mood shifts, decreased energy or even depression as the days grow cold and windy with less daylight hours. Using an affirmation to keep things on the positive side is very supportive.
The words we choose to tell ourselves carry power. Having used affirmations for years, I found some are more powerful than others. Through inquiry, study and practice I learned for an affirmation to be really powerful it must have two things. It must be believable, and it must be felt in your body.
Self-affirmations provide positive support. As we focus our energy on our new intention, it helps shift our behavior. To really harness this power within us, we must truly believe in our words. If the words we choose do not sit well, they lose impact. For example, if your intention is to gain strength and you state to yourself each morning, "I AM STRONG". You may find there is a part of you that disagrees with this statement. A conversation starts in the back of your mind about how strong you currently are, starting to send mixed signals or negative vibes. It is important to phrase your affirmation in a way that is believable to you and in the present tense. Play around with the wording to find one that is inspiring and sits well with you. Write a few different phrasings down on a piece of paper. Try them out by sitting quietly connecting inward, then start repeating the first phrasing of the affirmation from your list 5 or 6 times and notice what comes up. Do you feel more energized, conflicted, or connected? Move through your list finding the one that fits the best. Choose an affirmation that fits where you are today, for example changing, "I am strong" to "I am building my strength each day" or "Every day I connect into my inner strength" can make all the difference.
Connecting our words to a felt sense within us increases our focus and energy. Affirmations need to be felt in our body. Not only does your mind need to be on board, mentally believing in the affirmation, your body needs to be in sync too. Uniting the mind and body harnesses more power to support the positive change we desire. Take a moment to let yourself get a sense of what your affirmation feels like inside of you. Gaining clarity here makes a difference. Ask yourself these questions: How would I feel with this in my life? What types of activities would I do? Imagine yourself doing activities or having conversations as this person. Then use this imagery and felt sense when you state your affirmation to align your mind and body for a positive change.
I encourage all of you to play and explore using an affirmation. If you have any questions or would like a deeper discussion, email me directly for more conversation.
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